Why You Should Really ‘Eat Your Greens’!

According to Aine McAteer on Oprah.com, “Greens are powerful antioxidants, which are known to protect the body from damage from toxins in the environment and the foods we eat. Antioxidants neutralize these toxins and clear them from the body.”

That’s not all they do, though. In her article titled, ‘Embracing all things Green‘, she provides a short summary of 5 other amazing things that green vegetables do for our bodies that will leave you embracing your green vegetables for real.

She’s not the only one talking about ‘The Power of Green Foods’, as you’ll see from this fitday.com article and the ‘Eat Your Greens‘ video below.

And in order to show you just how easy, delicious and rewarding having your green vegetables daily can be, why not check out my Naturally Sweet Cole Slaw Vegetable Salad Recipe which I LOVE preparing and eating, knowing that I am enjoying my greens while benefiting from all the good and healthy things they provide and do for my body.